

Traveling to Austin for Labiaplasty – What You Need to Know

When we started out, the labiaplasty surgery was relatively unknown. Now, cosmetic surgery practices around the country are offering labiaplasty. At the same time, patients are becoming savvier about the potential pitfalls of getting surgery done by someone not as […]

12/19/2019  | 


How much pain is normal after labiaplasty?

We warn all of our patients about the inevitable bruising and swelling after the labiaplasty procedure. That’s a given, so how do you know when it’s more than normal and should be a cause for concern? Everyone is different when […]

11/20/2019  | 


How Soon Can I Shower After Labiaplasty?

We get questions about showering and bathing after labiaplasty all the time. Is it OK to wash off after my labiaplasty? When can I start swimming? The guidelines are pretty straightforward.     √ You can shower the same day […]

11/15/2019  | 


Post-Op Expectations: How to Tell If Your Labiaplasty Is Healing Right

We conduct labiaplasty operations basically every day, so we like to lend our expertise to those considering the operation. We constantly answer questions about the procedure fielded on RealSelf, and noticed that the healing process keeps coming up. We have […]

11/08/2019  | 


5 Reasons to Schedule Labiaplasty Surgery

Many women spend years thinking about and researching labiaplasty surgery. Some girls start to notice longer labia at a young age, after starting puberty. It can be difficult to talk with parents about such a sensitive subject. Many girls eventually […]

10/19/2019  | 


When is the best time to get my labiaplasty?

Thinking about getting a labiaplasty but not sure when the right time is? First off, there are several benefits of getting this procedure any time of year: most importantly regaining your confidence! However, if you are wondering if there is […]

10/09/2019  | 


Can Cosmetic Procedures Like Labiaplasty Be Affordable and High Quality?

Everyone in today’s world is looking for a bargain whether it’s clothes, purses, furniture… or things of a more personal nature. With companies like Amazon and Groupon, it’s hard to not look for a cheap deal. But what about cosmetic […]

07/20/2019  | 


Recovery When You Work from Home

Getting any kind of surgical procedure requires a certain amount of recovery time, and sometimes that includes staying home from work. When you work from home, the question becomes whether or not the physical recovery will affect work performance. Why […]

07/16/2019  | 


When Can I Swim?!

Many women are bothered by protruding labia that are especially noticeable when wearing a bathing suit or other tight clothing such as yoga pants or tights. So, what do you do when summer is already here and you want to […]

07/02/2019  | 


Already a med spa enthusiast? A labiaplasty might be right up your alley…

Have you ever gone to a spa for a bikini wax, but you felt embarrassed because your vagina looks different than others? Maybe your labial tissue looks loose, long, or hangs down. You may be wondering if this is normal […]

06/25/2019  | 


How Much Time do I Have to Take Off for Labiaplasty?

With school, work, family, travel, sports, etc. who has time to schedule surgery?! Fear not. Labiaplasty surgery usually requires one week off from work, occasionally two weeks. Also, recovering from surgery is a great excuse to cancel unwanted plans (feel free to use […]

06/12/2019  | 


Why don’t we talk?

I can’t tell you how many women we talk to on a daily basis that have noticed changes vaginally, whether it’s an enlarged labia or looseness with intercourse, but have never spoken to anyone about it. They may suffer in […]

06/06/2019  | 

Before & After

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