Enlarged Clitoris


Why Does My Clit Hurt?

It’s not uncommon to have a little discomfort in our private parts, but, many women often wonder why! The clitoris is home to 10,000 nerve endings, which makes it very sensitive during sexual activity and arousal. Sometimes, due to a […]

05/21/2024 |


Why Is My Clit So Big?

Every now and then, we take inventory of our bodies and we go “hey, that seems weird!” or “hey, why does that look like that?” It can be easy to feel like our bodies are not “normal” or “natural” when […]

03/30/2024 |


Why Is My Clitoris Enlarged And What Can I Do About It?

If you have recently noticed that your clitoris is consistently larger than it used to be, don’t panic. While there are some serious conditions that can lead to prolonged enlargement of the clitoris, more often than not it is a […]

11/30/2023 |


Will Testosterone Enlarge My Clitoris After Hormone Therapy?

Enlargement of Clitoris After Hormone Therapy Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can offer a range of benefits to women suffering from low testosterone, and there are more effective options on the market than ever before. In the past, hormone therapy relied […]

11/02/2023 |


My Clitoris Is Swollen… Should I Be Concerned?

You’re making a mad dash to the mailbox in the rain, and your vaginal area chafes like it didn’t use to before. You’re settling into some intimate activity, and your clitoris is making a more prominent entrance than usual. Does […]

07/12/2023 |


Clitoral Hood and Glans Reduction

Clitoral glans reduction and clitoral hood reduction are procedures that address clitoromegaly, a condition where the clitoris becomes enlarged. Clitoromegaly occurs when a woman has excess testosterone as a result of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or a medical condition. For […]

03/22/2023 |


How Big Can A Clitoris Get And What Is A “Normal” Size?

Clitoromegaly is when a woman has an enlarged clitoris. While it’s possible to be born with an enlarged clitoris, some women develop clitoromegaly later in life due to hormonal imbalances or testosterone therapy. This raises the question: what’s a “normal” […]

02/28/2023 |


What’s The Difference Between Clitoropexy, Clitoral Glans Reduction, And Clitoral Hood Reduction?

Clitoromegaly – enlargement of the clitoris – is an increasingly common condition, partly because more women are seeking out testosterone therapy to address hormonal imbalances. The benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are overwhelmingly positive, however there is a slight […]

02/20/2023 |


Why Does My Clitoris Look Like A Penis?

Ever wondered if your clitoris was “too big”? Or, why your clitoris looks kinda…phallic? You’re in the right place: One condition that we treat at ALVR is an enlarged clitoris, also called clitoromegaly. This refers to an enlarged clitoral hood […]

02/15/2023 |


Why Is it so Important to View Before and After Photos?

Odds are that, if you’re anything like us, you like to do a little research before you spend your hard earned money. If you’re going out for a nice meal, looking at Airbnbs for a weekend getaway, or trying to […]

03/31/2021 |


Clitoropexy vs Clitoral Hood Reduction: Know The Difference

At ALVR, we offer a range of treatments and procedures that address a variety of vaginal conditions and concerns. We understand that pelvic anatomy and terminology can seem a little intimidating to many people, which is why we take extra […]

01/20/2021 |


How is Testosterone Linked to an Enlarged Clitoris?

Any change to your body can be alarming, but it’s particularly concerning if you notice a change to an area you typically never discuss with anyone other than your partner or most trusted confidants. You might do a quick Google […]

10/15/2020 |

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