What’s The Difference Between Clitoropexy, Clitoral Glans Reduction, And Clitoral Hood Reduction?

Posted by ALVR | February 20, 2023

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Clitoromegaly – enlargement of the clitoris – is an increasingly common condition, partly because more women are seeking out testosterone therapy to address hormonal imbalances. The benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are overwhelmingly positive, however there is a slight associated risk of developing clitoromegaly. This typically occurs among patients that take a higher dose. In other cases, women can be genetically predisposed to clitoromegaly or have medical conditions that can contribute.  

Though clitoromegaly doesn’t pose any health concerns, it can be uncomfortable and negatively impact your sex life. Excess tissue and drooping can also cause the clitoris to look more phallic. Depending on your unique concerns, there are management and treatment options available at ALVR that can address clitoromegaly and leave patients with a more natural-appearing clitoris. Let’s break down the three different treatment options for clitoromegaly: Clitoral glans reduction, clitoropexy and clitoral hood reduction

The first option, clitoral glans reduction, is for patients experiencing an enlarged glans clitoris. This is the part of the clitoris that most people think of as the “clit.” It’s the tiny nub just above the urethral opening. During clitoral glans reduction, the visible, non-erectile tissue is surgically minimized. Clitoropexy can then be performed to lift and elevate the clitoral body, correcting any drooping or sagging. 

The third procedure, clitoral hood reduction, is often performed in tandem with a labiaplasty. A labiaplasty involves minimizing the appearance of an enlarged labia. During a labiaplasty, the skin where the clitoral hood meets the labia is also reduced with what’s called a “wedge technique.” While each treatment targets a different part of the clitoris, they can work together to address clitoromegaly. 

If you’re wondering whether or not you’re a good candidate for any of these treatments, then we’d encourage you to get in touch with our team. We also have clitoropexy “before and after” photos to give you a better sense of what to expect from surgery. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation!





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