Labiaplasty Recovery: What to Expect

Posted by ALVR | April 25, 2024

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With Spring in full swing and Summer just around the corner, many women are ready to hit the beach, lake, or pool to soak up the sun. Some women find that their labia doesn’t like to cooperate during bikini season, and so before they hit the beach, they come see Austin Labiaplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation! 

If you’re thinking about a spring or summer labiaplasty, you may be wondering “what is the average labiaplasty recovery time?” In general, women can expect to fully recover and get back to day-to-day activities like sexual activity and exercise within 6 weeks. Things like age, level of activity, occupation, and overall health of course play a factor. But, generally speaking, our patients are back to business within a couple of months. 

Week One of Labiaplasty Recovery 

If possible, we recommend women take 7-10 days off of work to rest and recover. Swelling, inflammation, redness, and itchiness are common at this stage. Patients may experience varying levels of pain the first few days, but pain medication is provided to alleviate this issue. Typically, we like to stay in close contact with our patients at this stage to monitor their recovery to check for any potential issues that may arise. 

Week Three of Labiaplasty Recovery 

Into week two and three, major swelling typically subsides. That being said, we strongly advise against any physical activity like sex, exercise, lifting, running, etc. Dissolvable sutures prevent bleeding, but as the labia heals, it is common to see asymmetry, rigidity, bruising, and scabbing. This is perfectly normal, and over the course of the next several months, the tissue will heal and settle to the natural, youthful appearance that patients hope to see when opting for labiaplasty. 

Weeks Four Through Six of Labiaplasty Recovery 

As we enter a month post-procedure, many patients are close to full recovery. We typically see patients getting back to activities like swimming, playing with kids, etc at this stage. However, even at this stage, we recommend avoid any activities that may put stress and pressure directly on the labia. 

Two Months Post-Procedure and Onward: Healed from Labiaplasty 

After six weeks, patients are generally able to resume sexual intercourse and strenuous exercise. Patients will return to our clinic for a follow up consultation so that we can assess the labia now that a majority of the healing process is complete. Most of the remaining swelling will be resolved by week 12 but can take up to 6 months to fully resolve. While it is rare, it may be determined that a revision is necessary, in which case Austin Labiaplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation will cover the revision procedure at no additional cost as long as it is scheduled within the first year of your procedure. 

If you are interested in learning more about labiaplasty, contact Austin Labiaplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation today to schedule a free consultation. 



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