What the Heck is “Fupa Surgery”

Posted by ALVR | May 7, 2024

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The FUPA. A term you probably heard from a raunchy mid-nineties comedy and probably are familiar with to some degree. For those that aren’t, FUPA stands for “Fat Upper Pubic Area.” In labcoat speak, it is the collection of subcutaneous fat that exists just under the belly button and above the pubic bone. This area can be difficult to target with traditional weight loss methods, especially after pregnancy, so people turn to the medical professionals to help them get rid of the FUPA.

The FUPA Can Cause Problems

A FUPA can cause a lot of issues, both in terms of body image and overall physical health. Fatty mons pubis can easily chafe and cause discomfort, especially in tighter fitting clothes, bathing suits, and fabrics like denim and cotton. As we age, skin naturally becomes looser and fat is harder to get off, especially in stubborn areas like the mons pubis. Couple that with the miracle of childbirth and many women find that certain clothes don’t “feel” right, and exercising can be difficult.

How Do You Get Rid Of The FUPA?

If diet and exercise don’t do the trick, many women opt for FUPA surgery, (AKA monsplasty, more labcoat speak!) A monsplasty involves removing excess fat, skin, and tissue from the mons pubis in order to restore the more natural, youthful look that many of our patients look for when they come to visit us.


I’m Ready To Kiss My FUPA Goodbye

Great! Summer is just about here, and that is when we see a lot of our labiaplasty and monsplasty patients. The monsplasty procedure is fairly simple, minimally invasive, and the recovery time takes about 6 weeks! We perform our monplasties in an outpatient facility under general anesthesia. If you are curious about our pricing, check out our information! If you think monsplasty is the right move for you, reach out to us today to set up a consultation.



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