How Much Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Cost?

Posted by ALVR | November 18, 2022

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Between age, genetics, and childbirth, it’s only natural for your vagina to change over time. The stretching and relaxing of the vagina and perineum is common, and unfortunately it can impact how things look and feel down there. Vaginal looseness can hamper your self-esteem, as well as your sex life. Notably, vaginal laxity can cause decreased sensation during sex – which isn’t fun for anyone. 

At Austin Labiaplasty & Vaginal Rejuvenation, we offer a range of vaginal rejuvenation options, both surgical and non-surgical, that can address your unique needs. Some patients do best with vaginal laser or radiofrequency therapy, which helps tighten the superficial layers of the vagina. Laser therapy can also be useful in combating vaginal dryness and mild stress incontinence. We use ThermiVa, which utilizes radio frequency technology to tighten the vagina and labia.

Patients looking for more permanent, lasting  results tend to be better candidates for vaginoplasty, which is a surgical option for vaginal rejuvenation. Sometimes referred to as feminine rejuvenation or vaginal rejuvenation surgery, vaginoplasty involves surgically tightening the layers of the vagina and perineum. 

So, how does vaginoplasty work? On a very high-level, a “wedge” technique is used to reduce the vaginal opening, meaning that a wedge-like incision is made inside the vaginal wall in order to pull the skin together. We also use deeper suture to bring the muscle together to provide overall tightening. We then use dissolvable sutures (not stitches!) to secureclose the vaginal areaincision. The surgery typically takes two hours, and most patients heal within 6-8 weeks. 

Because some types of vaginal rejuvenation are not covered by insurance, you might be wondering about cost. While Thermiva is $900, vaginoplasty varies in price depending on your needs and insurance provider. We’re able to provide patients with a better idea of any out-of-pocket expenses following their initial consultation.  

When discussing factors like pricing, the most important thing we want patients to know is that they’re in the best hands possible with Dr. George Shashoua; you’re not just paying for relief, you’re paying for quality care. Dr. Shashoua is a board-certified urogynecologist who has performed thousands of pelvic and vaginal floor procedures over the last 25 years. Patients will even come to Austin from other parts of Texas like San Antonio or Dallas because they trust Dr. Shashoua to perform their vaginal rejuvenation surgery. Don’t believe us? You can read more of his reviews here. 

If you have any more questions – about pricing, aftercare, you name it! – you can always contact us: (512) 973-8276. We even have before and after photos of vaginal rejuvenation if you’re curious! Whatever you need, we’re here for you.




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Before & After

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