Why Is My Clitoris Enlarged And What Can I Do About It?

Posted by ALVR | November 30, 2023

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If you have recently noticed that your clitoris is consistently larger than it used to be, don’t panic. While there are some serious conditions that can lead to prolonged enlargement of the clitoris, more often than not it is a result of something relatively benign. For example, it is perfectly normal for clitoral tissue to become enlarged as a result of sexual arousal, and sometimes it can remain enlarged for a period of time after you engage in sexual activity. So, if you are frequently engaging in sexual activity (especially if there is prolonged stimulation) it’s possible that you will notice a sustained increase in the size of the clitoris. If your clitoris returns to its normal size (meaning normal for you) when you stop engaging in sexual activity, then it is probably safe to assume that you do not have an underlying health condition.

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If you are confident that sexual activity is not the root issue, the other most common causes of an enlarged clitoris are tied to hormonal changes. If you have a condition that affects the endocrine system, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), you may have elevated levels of androgen hormones like testosterone, which can cause the clitoris to become enlarged. Along those lines, if you are currently undergoing testosterone therapy for low libido, decreased energy, or other health issues, this can sometimes lead to an enlarged clitoris. If the clitoris is enlarged for a sustained period of time (such as a week or more) this is called clitoromegaly.  

Understanding Testosterone Therapy and Cliteromegaly

Women seek out hormone replacement therapy (HRT) like Sottopelle when they feel the effects of low testosterone such as  muscle weakness, mood changes and fatigue. Testosterone can decrease for a variety of reasons, but it naturally diminishes with age and menopause. Sottopelle gets you back to a place of balance, leading to a host of benefits like increased libido, improved mood and cognition, and stronger bone and cardiovascular health. A side effect of testosterone replacement therapy is clitoromegaly or an enlarged clitoris. Clitoral enlargement isn’t dangerous, but it can be uncomfortable or unpleasant.

While clitoromegaly is not dangerous, it can cause persistent discomfort and distress for some patients. If you are experiencing clitoromegaly and it is affecting your quality of life, we recommend discussing it with your physician as the issue can often be rectified with treatment and medication management. However, if you find that clitoromegaly is a continual issue for you, clitoropexy is a surgical procedure that can reduce the protrusion of the clitoris without affecting the erectile tissue.

Understanding Clitoropexy

Clitoropexy is designed to lift and reduce the clitoris when it is enlarged, protruding, or drooping. Understandably, patients often worry that such a procedure might negatively impact sensation or arousal of their clitoris. However, the clitoropexy procedure removes excess clitoral tissue without damaging the erectile tissue itself, so sensation and arousal are not impacted. To get a better idea of what the procedure entails, you can view an animation on YouTube by clicking the image below and you can also view clitoropexy before and after images here

Click the image below to watch an animated video of a clitoropexy before and after:

If you are interested in learning more about clitoromegaly or clitoropexy, don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation with Austin Labiaplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation today. Our team of specialists are always available to help evaluate whatever symptoms you are experiencing and offer expert guidance and treatment options. Dr. George Shashoua has an outstanding reputation as a pelvic floor surgeon and is able to offer competitive pricing due to the fact that many procedures are conducted in-house versus at a hospital. 




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