Why Choose Labial or Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery?

Posted by ALVR | October 9, 2015

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Patients with symptoms of overgrown labia and or vaginal looseness have been overlooked for years. Now that women are becoming informed about treatment options, they are choosing to undergo surgery to normalize the appearance and functionality of the labia and vagina. These procedures directly improve sexual function by exposing the clitoral body and by increasing stimulation during sex. Women often describe an enhanced sense of confidence and sexuality following rejuvenating procedures. Of course, symptoms directly related to overgrown labia such as, irritation and rubbing of the labia are treated with surgery.

Which is right for me, vaginal rejuvenation or labiaplasty?

The term labiaplasty refers to either surgical removal of the labia minora or the labia majora. This is done for both cosmetic purposes as well as for congenital labial enlargement. Vaginal revujenation on the otherhand refers to surgical tightening or narrowing of the opening of the vaginal canal or the vaginal opening itself. Tightening of the opening of the vaginal canal is also referred to as perineorrhaphy. Youger patients or women without prior pregnancies often undergo labiaplasty alone, as the perineum and vagina have not undergone stretching or relaxation.



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Before & After

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