What Does Testosterone Do for Women?

Posted by ALVR | March 27, 2024

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What is Testosterone? 

Testosterone, an androgenic hormone, serves as the predominant sex hormone in males, playing a pivotal role in the development of male reproductive and sexual features. Testosterone is often referred to as the “male hormone”, and so many women are unaware that not only do women also produce it, albeit in much smaller amounts, it is incredibly important to their sexual and reproductive health. 

Low Testosterone in Women 

Insufficient levels of testosterone in women can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, muscle weakness, and mood fluctuations, underscoring its importance in female sexual health. Consequently, reduced testosterone levels can negatively impact a woman’s libido and her capacity for sexual enjoyment. Testosterone is also crucial to the production of new blood cells. Luckily, there are a variety of effective and studied solutions to this problem. 

Should Women Take Testosterone? 

Testosterone production in females primarily occurs in the ovaries, which explains the decline in testosterone levels with age, particularly during the pre- and post-menopausal phases, due to decreased ovarian hormone production. Numerous studies have shown that testosterone is crucial for the development of new blood cells, mood, and overall health during and after menopause. Our clinic provides SottoPelle, a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), offering precise hormone dosing. This therapy includes the administration of testosterone (and sometimes estrogen) pellets tailored to an individual’s hormone levels, offering several benefits over other hormone replacement methods. SottoPelle therapy utilizes bioidentical hormones, closely mimicking the body’s natural hormones, and employs a pellet delivery system for a slow, consistent hormone release, enhancing treatment consistency and minimizing adverse effects.

Testosterone for Women

The treatment process involves initial laboratory tests to establish baseline hormone levels and determine the appropriate dosage. Following this, a procedure date is scheduled for pellet insertion. During the procedure, local anesthesia is administered to the hip/buttock area before making a minor incision to insert the rice-sized pellets into the fatty tissue, followed by applying a waterproof dressing. The entire procedure takes less than 5 minutes.

Pellet dosing frequency typically ranges from every 3-5 months, depending on individual needs. 

If you feel you may be suffering from low testosterone, contact our clinic and set up an appointment today. 



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