The Risk of Not Researching Options
Posted by ALVR | March 21, 2019
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Vaginal Tightening – What Works, and How?
Vaginoplasty surgery, lasers, radio waves and v tightening gels (oh, my)! Do they all work? And, if so, which one should I choose? We can celebrate the fact that it’s now acceptable to discuss the subtle and not-so-subtle vaginal changes that may befall us. Even better, there are interventions available to turn back time (cue Cher) when it comes to restoring our vaginas to their former glory.
But, with so much buzz around so many options, where do we start?
“V” is for Victory
Choosing a winning strategy requires a bit of research. A consultation with a qualified surgeon as part of your research can provide a potential shortcut to discovering the optimal strategy for restoring your vagina to its original snugness. (This is true even if surgery turns out not to be the best option for you.)
We’ve provided brief descriptions of some available interventions.
Gellin’ by the Radio With Laser Focus
Lasers – Laser devices are used to heat connective tissue inside the vagina to stimulate tissue remodeling by forming new collagen and elastic fibers. “Plumping” the tissue and restoring elasticity can produce the effect of narrowing the vaginal canal while increasing its ability to contract.
Radiofrequency – Within the vaginal tightening toolkit there are devices that employ radio waves. Radiofrequencies penetrate the vaginal wall to produce the same thermal effects as lasers through a delivery different system.
Some devices employ both of the above technologies. Multiple laser or radio wave treatments may be required, and effects may be longer lasting for some than others. There are some studies on these devices with limited data regarding outcomes and efficacy. But some statistics along with patient feedback indicate these methods are indeed effective to varying degrees. However, none of the device types mentioned are currently FDA-approved for the purpose of vaginal rejuvenation, although their use in this manner is not prohibited.
Tightening Gels– For a modest investment, women can give gels a whirl. Most tout natural ingredients and this is a worthy consideration as even the body lotion we use externally is absorbed internally. A common denominator in gels and creams is the “astringent” factor. Ingredients that are astringent have a drawing, tightening quality. Think of the tannins in black tea or wine.
The effects of gels are temporary, but some women may be happy with their results. These are also not FDA approved or recommended, but neither are they required to be. You may spot ads for gels when Googling “how to tighten your vag”, “how to tighten vaginal lips” and some may even compel you with “how to tighten your vag overnight”! And, to some degree, this may be possible.
If you want to try vaginal tightening “light”, you may wish to combine using a gel with properly performed Kegels. Pelvic floor tightening can actually help support all the abdominal organs benefitting you in multiple ways.
Vaginoplasty (Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation) – the biggest commitment to tightening your vagina is the one with the most long-lasting, reliable, results.
How is vaginoplasty performed and who benefits from it?
Women who’ve had multiple vaginal deliveries and/or a traumatic delivery assisted with forceps or large episiotomies sometimes experience significant physical changes (vaginal looseness or laxity). Reconstructive surgery works to rebuild and rejuvenate the vagina. Women who seek vaginal tightening complain of decreased sensation or friction with sex both for themselves and their partner. Some may notice a gaping vaginal opening or notice tissue peeking out that they haven’t seen before. A sensation of air passing from the vagina may become noticeable. And, not only after you’ve just done a headstand in yoga class. (Those of you who practice inverted yoga postures will get this.)
Menopause sometimes proves to be a “tipping point” resulting in greater vaginal looseness than before.
Some of the outer manifestations of laxity may be seen in our vaginal rejuvenation before and after pictures.
None of this is covered in sex ed or presented as a rom-com storyline, but it’s very real and quite common. The best approach to treating unwanted changes is based on each individual patient’s exam and symptoms.
Vaginoplasty is a customized procedure based on a thorough physical exam and consultation. It takes about two hours, on average, and may be performed on an outpatient basis. The surgeon will make a wedge incision in the vaginal wall before pulling the skin together and securing with sutures that will dissolve as you heal. Structural support for the vagina may also be enhanced along with the muscle and tissue surrounding it. The objective should be to narrow the vagina while improving its ability to contract naturally. Healing takes about 6 – 8 weeks.
Keeping up with Kegels after you’ve healed post-surgically will help to enhance and maintain your results. (Pelvic floor exercises actually help to support all the abdominal organs).
The Upside of Inside Rejuvenation?
Increased comfort, enhanced sexual pleasure, confidence and the sheer relief of feeling normal again.
The best approach to treating unwanted changes is based on each individual patient’s exam and symptoms. Dr. Shashoua is board certified in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery (FPMRS)and has ample experience in vaginal cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Shashoua and his team provide exceptional care to their patients with individualized care plans and close follow up after surgery.
In addition to vaginoplasty, Dr. Shashoua also performs successful labiaplasty surgeries on a weekly basis. You may view some labiaplasty before and after pictures here. (Some of our vaginoplasty patients opt to have both procedures).
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Before & After
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