Do I Need Vaginoplasty or Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Posted by ALVR | February 11, 2019

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Diving Into The Definition of Vaginoplasty

What exactly is vaginoplasty, and is it the same as vaginal rejuvenation? They are two different terms for the same thing. But, there are different methods that may be utilized to achieve the same or similar results. Some methods employ types of lasers or radio waves that promote collagen production and tissue remodeling. These may be used to tighten and restore vaginal tissue and promote lubrication. These technologies tend to work best in milder cases of laxity, and require a series of treatments that may need to be repeated in about 12 – 18 months.

Vaginal rejuvenation surgery tends to give better, more lasting results when looseness is more evident. A look at our vaginoplasty before and after pictures will give you some idea at the results that are possible. But, the difference that’s most important is one that can’t be seen in the photos. That’s the difference on the inside.

Qualified For The Job

Dr. Shashoua is a physician and surgeon that is board certified in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery and in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is pre-imminently qualified and experienced in vaginoplasty surgery, and has also performed successful labiaplasty procedures for hundreds of women in Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, and the surrounding Texas area.

In addition to his Austin Labiaplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation practice, he may be found at Austin Urogynecology where one of his specialties is pelvic floor reconstruction surgery.

Regardless of the procedure, Dr. Shashoua and his team inspire confidence in the women they treat and have earned the respect of their peers in the medical community. If you’re uncertain how to address your concerns, or find yourself adrift in an ocean of conflicting information, you’ve found a great resource in ALVR.

One of the less commonly discussed things we address is excessive clitoral hooding. This can be the cause of decreased sexual pleasure and sensation. It can be treated with a relatively simple procedure called a clitoropexy (also known as hoodectomy or clitoral hood removal) which can be performed concurrently with another surgery, or on its own.

We also address and remove hymenal tags, typically harmless but sometimes bothersome tissue growths that can be similar in appearance to genital warts. They occasionally grow to a size that can cause discomfort when rubbing against clothing, or during sex. Hymnal remnants remnants removal is referred to as a “hymenectomy” procedure.

The Picture that Launched a Thousand Ships

While you’re here, remember to look at our vaginal rejuvenation pictures. (You may also want to take a peek at our labiaplasty before and after pictures).

Our surgical procedures, including vaginal rejuvenation and labiaplasty procedures, are performed in our state of the art Austin facility, and we provide 24/7 follow-up support. We help ensure that you heal from your procedure as quickly as possible while minimizing post-op pain. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to deploy again!

Our results are anchored in experience and a desire to help you celebrate all that you are.



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Before & After

See how labiaplasty and vaginal rejuvenation work. Get all our photos in one document by entering your email.


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