Why Would Women Need Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Posted by ALVR | October 18, 2021

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As an androgen, testosterone is the dominant sex hormone in males. This means it plays a critical role in the development of reproductive and sexual characteristics in males. But just because testosterone is considered a “male hormone,” doesn’t mean it isn’t found in women. In fact, having just the right amount of testosterone present is vital to a woman’s overall health. 

Testosterone in women helps with sexual well-being, boosting libido and supporting reproductive health. It also aids with the development of new blood cells. Without enough testosterone, women can experience fatigue, muscle weakness and mood changes. Given its impact on sexual health in women, having low testosterone can have adverse effects on a woman’s sexual desire and pleasure too. 

There are several places where testosterone is created in a female body, but the ovaries are the primary producer. It’s because of this that testosterone levels in women typically appear to decrease with age: pre- and post-menopause causes the ovaries to produce fewer hormones, testosterone included.

Of course, there are other culprits that can lead to low testosterone in women. Some women might experience early menopause, while others might take an oral estrogen that decreases testosterone production. In other cases, if the adrenal glands aren’t properly functioning it can lead to low testosterone levels in women. 

If you suspect your testosterone levels are low, talk to your doctor about potential test options and treatment plans. Here at ALVR, we can check  your hormone levels through lab work and recommend specific hormone dosing from there. 

One popular treatment is SottoPelle, a form of bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) that can address low testosterone levels in women. Sottopelle can combine both estrogen and testosterone pellets that can be administered based on a patient’s hormone levels. 

There are several advantages to using pellets as opposed to other forms of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Since pellets are a form of bioidentical hormones, they’re most similar to the hormones you naturally produce. Pellets also release hormones more consistently as opposed to oral or topical hormone therapies, which tend to have high highs and low lows. 

So, how does it work? First, we’ll run labs to understand your baseline hormone levels and determine a dosage plan. Next, you’ll schedule a time for the pellets to be administered. When you arrive for treatment, you’ll expose your buttocks and hip area. We’ll inject a local anesthetic to this area before creating a small incision. The rice-sized pellets are then placed within the fatty tissue. From here, a waterproof dressing is placed over the incision which the patient will leave on for three days. 

While every patient is different, pellet dosing typically occurs every 3-5 months. In most situations, a patient can tell when the dosage is wearing off because they’ll begin to experience low testosterone symptoms. Likewise, in some cases a patient might need to take oral supplements to optimize their pellet dosing. 

Think you might be a good candidate for Sottopelle? Let’s talk! Contact us today to learn more about low testosterone and hormone replacement therapy. 



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